About us
We are a Berlin-based water data company that developed a groundbreaking technology, which combines optics, photonics, and AI for water quality measurements.
Our team competencies are Process Chemistry, Chemometrics, Hydrogeochemistry, Molecular Physics, Machine Learning, Photonics Engineering, Industrial IOT Engineering, Economic modeling of water runoffs, Data Analytics & Visualization.
Vision – make water quality visible anytime, anywhere.
Mission – Our mission is to map the water quality of the planet and help our society transition to a renewable economy.
Unknown water quality is the hidden crisis our society faces and a direct byproduct of climate change. Water tech was left behind in the 1960s. If we want to manage our water resources, to make industrial processes more efficient, and to reward the good water stewards, we have to make water quality visible.
In our office, we do not have a foosball table, no ping-pong table, no game consoles, but we brought in artists, musicians, and scientists to exchange ideas with us, to follow the water together.
What does abaia mean

Abaia is a type of large eel which dwells at the bottom of freshwater lakes in the Fiji, Solomon and Vanuatu Islands. Abaia is said to consider all creatures in the lake its children and protects them furiously against anyone who would harm. Those who are foolish enough to try to catch a fish from a lake containing the Abaia are immediately overwhelmed by a large wave caused by the thrashing of the Abaia’s powerful tail. (Wikipedia)
What does REFLEkT mean
Reflekt is about the reflection of light as a carrier of information, as well as an invitation we make to our customers to Reflekt on the data they receive.